Yugioh Mermail Budget Deck - Abyssmegalo - Swamp Frog - Gameciel - 55 sold Cards
Monster Cards (26):
3x Mermail Abyssmegalo (Super Rare)
3x Mermail Abyssteus (Super Rare)
1x Mermail Abyssgunde (Rare)
1x Mermail Abysspike (Rare)
1x Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju (Rare)
1x Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord (Super Rare)
3x Atlantean sold Dragoons
3x Deep Sea Minstrel
1x Lappis Dragon (Rare)
3x Genex Undine
1x Genex Controller
1x Swap Frog (Ultra Rare)
1x Dupe Frog
3x Card Trooper
Spell Cards (10):
1x Abyss-Scale of the Mizuchi
1x Monster Reborn
1x Salvage
1x Surface
1x Mind Control
3x Night Beam
1x Foolish Burial
1x Enemy Controller
Trap Cards (4):
1x Red Reboot
3x Call of the Haunted
Extra Deck Cards (15):
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Vermillion Dragon Mech (Ultra Rare)
1x Black Rose Dragon
3x Tatsunoko (Super Rare)
3x Space Insulator
3x Underclock Taker
3x Mistar Boy (Super Rare)
Total X 55