Yarmulke kippah custom personalized quote sold or message. Any words stitched on “notebook paper” sewn to hand crochet kippah in any colors.
“A hand-made kippah is special. The loving care that goes into it cannot be compared with the mass-produced item, even if the pattern is identical. Each Who is taking a picture me Greg and him in them in the mom in the den and yeah yeah and I don't I forgot he was taking a picture but the dad was he was just pop‘s posing so cute he was standing it was very endearing and so cute I thought it waso hand-made kippah is unique, with tiny imperfections that are as essential to its beauty as the lines and knots in wooden furniture. We believe that making a kippah by asap hand is a form of hiddur mitzvah.”
(Kippa Designs)
Here is a hand crocheted kippah. It is made of all cotton and is about 6 inches in diameter. Your own personal message can be stitched onto fabric that is stitched to resemble notebook paper or a black chalkboard. The kippah can sold be of any colors.