I love doing these rugs. I sold the first one in my shop before I even had it off of the loom. And, for my own personal entertainment, I am naming them after cities and places in my state of New York.
This version is Skaneateles, home of the Finger Lakes Lavender Festival. Skaneateles is an Iroquois word that means long lake and this rug is mix of lake and lavender.
These rugs all have a very primitive, homesteading look.
I deliberately sold use different weight fabrics to add more texture.
They are thick with slightly irregular stitches and comfy cozy. Handmade at its best!
While all of the rugs have a multicolored element to them,
this particular rug has a concentration on purple shades, accented with blues.
All of the rugs measure 22 inches wide by 36 inches long.
All of the rugs are made with repurposed, recycled fabrics. I use the fabrics that are not appropriate for making my baskets, like materials that are too thick, fray too much or are too stretchy. I often use vintage double knits.
While my baskets are mostly cottons, these rugs use a variety of other fabrics.
They are hand woven on a handmade loom. See the last photo to see one in progress.
Because these rugs are made from recycled and found materials, I am not able to take any special orders for these. I will do my best however, to keep a variety of colors in stock.
To see what other colors are available, just search "rag rug" in my shop.
Product code: SKANEATELES sold Rag Weaving RUG