An Incredible Pair of Victorian Romantic Oil Paintings made sold on Tree Bark from the end 1800s , the wounded Soldier (?)
FROM 158 euros to 138 euros
An Incredible Pair of Victorian Romantic Oil Paintings made on Tree Bark from the end 1800s
- in my opinion it's French or Flemish
- The Intriguing anecdote is that I bought them separate from each other with some months in between and saw to my surprise that the soldier seemed the same aswell as the lady in the light blue dress as it resembles a part of a story that belongs together
- there old as you can see but one has a mini tear on it and just a few mini tiny sold wood holes on the other one
But all in all there in a very good condition considering their age
The oval one is totally Tree Bark and the other one the ledges are from trees on a wooden Panel
- the oval one Measures 18 x 36 centimeters
- the square one 36 x 36 centimeters
- underneath the dog you can see a scribble a name or date but I can't figure it out
- its just a Intriguing set rare pair of artwork